St. Ermin’s will reopen in line with Government guidelines on 17th May 2021.
Booking a stay
Visit our booking engine, select your dates of stay, complete your booking and then drop us an email to advise your booking number and voucher reference so we can redeem it against your bill.
Prefer to contact us? Call us on 0207 222 7888 or email and we will be happy to help you make a reservation

Eating & Drinking
If you have an appetite for something to eat or drink you can book a table at Caxton Grill and add your voucher code in your booking reference.
If you choose to drop in please present your voucher and proof of name on arrival and we can redeem your voucher against your bill.
Prefer to contact us? Call us on 0207 227 7777 or email
Afternoon Tea
Afternoon Tea bookings can be made on line please add your voucher code in your booking reference.
If you choose to drop in please present your voucher and proof of name on arrival and we can redeem your voucher against your bill.
Prefer to contact us? Call us on 0207 227 7777 or email and we will be happy to help you make a reservation